Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Amazon or Hypnosis

Amazon is a company in modern day that specializes in E-commerce.  This company started by Jeff Bezos has grown to astronomical levels and is now in many parts of world and especially is in many different types of industries.  It started as an online retailer, and is now is fields such as cloud-computing business, video and music streamer, and is now in the field of smart speaker technology.  The company has had a growth in both revenue and net income, but the revenue surpasses net income by the hundreds of millions.  This alternative and modern company has changed the way we, as a species, do and adapt to things.

Everyone loves Amazon.  The company has incorporated itself through a wide range of generations that exist today.  From adolescence to senior adults, Amazon offers a wide variety of things to accommodate anyone when it comes to enjoyment in leisure time or gift-giving.  The reason it has caught on so much is because of how well it accommodates to many peoples needs.  Many people became early adopters due to the easy accessibility it is for anyone of any age to understand.  The versatility of Amazon's benefits have created a new way of living.

Although the many benefits of Amazon can be considered endless, some negative aspects of adopting into a full Amazon world are still present.  Amazon definitely is a major factor in how people live their lives.  Instead of going to a shopping mall, you can get practically anything you can think of on their website.  This prevents people from enjoying leisure time in public with other humans.  This is why I feel many Laggards feel that adapting to this way can cause laziness or even an anti-social livelihood.  The extremely easy aspects of using Amazon have caused many people to not even go out and enjoy a day of shopping, or even going to the movies and enjoying time with friends, where you can now watch a wide variety of streaming services on Amazon Video.  Some of these aspects are considered negative due to the fact that we depend on Amazon to complete some of our tasks rather than doing it ourselves.

The world that Amazon has created is extremely beneficial to completing tasks more easily.  We need to understand that even though Amazon might eliminate shopping, we can still go out and enjoy a day with friends, or exercise.  Let Amazon handle certain aspects, but not forget that these aspects can lead us down a road where who knows if we can ever turn back.

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