Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Should we be scared of Media?

After previewing the presentation that Group 2 brought to class, it really made me concerned about the raw atmosphere that surrounds our interactions we share through the internet. The topics discussed were Mainstream Media, Alternative Media, Echo Chamber, Whistleblower, Reliable Sources, and Citizen Journalism.

Mainstream Media is the mass news that influence us on a daily, even hourly basis. We depend on this type of media to express the major occurrences and demands that are happening in the world. The issue is, our media is so opinionated that, especially in our country, we are more divided then ever.

"Media organizations with an elite audience such as CBS News and The New York Times are successful corporations with the assets necessary to set the tone for other smaller news organizations which lack comparable resources by creating conversations that cascade down to smaller news organizations using the Associated Press and other means of aggregation. An elite mainstream sets the agenda and smaller organizations parrot it." 

                                           Image result for Mainstream media

This quote is stated by philosopher Noam Chomsky to describe the hierarchy and the process on how we acquire the information being expressed by these types of MSM.

This shouldn't scare us, but rather, take this information as a point taken.  We need to learn to distinguish between what is going on, and not succumbing to aspects of confirmation bias.  

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