Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Five Eyes See You-You Don't See Them

My term, Five Eyes, is a group of five countries on Earth that joined forces to share secret intelligence to expose negative connotations or future actions that are being planned.  This group mainly focuses on the War on Terror.  This is seen to be good, because its extra fresh eyes that are looking into other countries to see if people are doing bad in order to expose them.  A negative implication involved is the fact that this agreement gives countries amnesty in surveilling their citizens as it isn't the country's government spying, but rather another country looking in.  
The Five Eyes group in general can do a lot of good.  They will be able to expose wrongdoings and, in theory, save lives from harm from terror.  We just always need to understand that we might always bender the eyes of people that we don't know.  
In general, Five Eyes would mainly work for all citizens in all countries; regardless of any demographic characteristic.  
Five Eyes has been in play for over 50 years.  It can affect myself, my family and friends, and my generation to know the full length of what is going on behind the scenes.  It is extremely helpful to know the truth, but it is also dangerous to know a lot of the truth, as confidentiality issues arise when talking about events in other countries.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Social Media is Me

Coincidently, I actually performed a self-audit this week for another class to show how an employer would view your online presence.  I found that I was very satisfied with what I have exposed online.  I try to tailor my social media presence to be completely positive in my favor.  If I share something, if I post something, tweet, like, etc. I always think about an employer looking at that specific thing.  Our online presence is completely open to the world, therefore we need to watch what we put. 

I currently use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  My Facebook and Instagram are very family-oriented.  I like to share with my family and friends memories that we have had throughout the years.  I also like to share and post current events that I feel are of dire need to see for my friends and family.  These current events include political or international issues.  I make sure my social media accounts have full transparency of who I am.  How you meet me in person, is exactly how you would feel with seeing my accounts.  If an employer sees something they might not like, or makes a decision to terminate my application for a job, I don't think I would want to work for a company that feels that way toward my open transparency.  I feel I have nothing to hide and if they feel otherwise, there are other companies out there that would be more beneficial to my career.  

I share liberal topics, conservative topics, and everything in between.  If a visitor was searching for me on social media, they might be confused as to my direct intentions, but I would never be against someone asking me anything about my accounts.  I try my best to be parallel with who I am in person, and if someone finds issues with what I post or share, than the problem lies in their capability to be flexible with ideas.  

Within my online presence I have provided emails, phone numbers and other specific details about myself.  If someone creates a bank account in my name, they will hopefully catch them and repercussions will be implemented.  If not, I might have to counsel that burden.  It all stems down to how the government regulates our availibility to sensitive information.  I am open to the government seeing my sensitive information, because what do I have to hide?  I appreciate the idea that information can be looked at and reviewed, because if you have nothing to hide, what is the issue?  This process could help our federal authorities catch unwanted persons in our country using computer intelligence for deceitfulness and wrongdoing.  I would show all of my information in order to install the idea that you cant hide bad things you might be able to do.  

I like using my social media pages, not for the dire need for attention of people liking what I post, but rather more self-actualized in the sense that I can constantly go through all of my pages and see my memories, or certain though process I have had throughout the years.  it is, by no means, a page made for other people.  I look at my Instagram page, and see my friendships that I have had amazing memories certainly dissipate throughout the years.  Friendships ending can be extremely sad and lonely, but knowing that you can't succumb to those burdens, helps you to look through your posts and helps you remember great times.  Social media, in my opinion has become a huge player in the ideas of depression and loneliness and I agree with what is stated in the Atlantic article.  I feel we need to start teaching the proper way to use these sites. 

Privacy is Intimate

"He, (Trevor Forrest-Ministry of Science, Energy, and Technology), pointed out that many people, in using cyberspace, do not think abou...