Thursday, March 7, 2019

Concrete Jungle V. The Farm

Growing up in a big city has had tremendous impacts on who I am today.  New York City is one of the most unique, and best places to grow up due to exposure of so much diversity.  We learn from a young age that everyone is the same; regardless of any demographical features.  When NYC is referred to as the city that never sleeps, it genuinely never sleeps.

Whether its going to bars/clubs, going to parks, attending a show, or anything else that happens in the city; there is always something to do.  Restaurants stay open all night.  Everyone is always in a rush that it causes your adrenaline to sky-rocket.

Seeing so much diversity, and commuting to school everyday is unlike any experience I have ever endured.  The things you see on the subway, will blow your mind.  Whether its a talented violin player, or a dance group doing flips on the train, you are exposed to so much talent, that it never ends.


Attending High Point University, has given me such a huge culture shock.  Everything is slow and relaxed.  Its at a different pace and everyone smiles at each other, (you can't do that in NYC).  I've learned that its okay to take a break when needed.  I've also learned that I will always have my New York roots no matter where I go.  My accent says it all.

The thing that I don't really appreciate in the South is the fact that everything is similar.  I mainly say this in the sense that everything is very conservative.  Theres no understanding that things can be different or weird.  The lack of diversity breaks my heart sometimes.

New York City will be my home forever.  Whether I'm in Central Park, or I'm 2,000 miles away.  I know that anytime I go back, it never looses its chance to surprise me.  There is always something new around every corner, and that's why I am so very proud to call NYC my home.

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