Thursday, March 7, 2019

My Favorite App

In modern day, we tend to use our phones a lot.  Our phones are what connects us to the world.  Anything that happens within the world, you can find it on the internet.  I love twitter, due to the fact that it is constantly being used to broadcast amazing or urgent things that happen internationally.

Almost everyone has twitter.  Whether it is a celebrity, the POTUS, or just simple Jack, information and current events are constantly trending on Twitter.  Another aspect I love about Twitter, its the fact that everyone who does have a twitter, tends to tweet images and words that are commonly related to your own personal life.

Twitter has chained together people on opposite sides of the world, just because common occurrences are relatable.  It is a great source of information where you can get notifications send to your phone, is anything major happens.  The connections between the famous, the unknowns, and the average person can all go on twitter and find what they most like to see.

You can see the world, just on one app.  The connections to the rest of the word are astronomical, and it makes us all try to relate to each other; whether it is emotional, artistic, and anything else you can think of.

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