Thursday, March 7, 2019

Supreme Court

It makes me proud to know that the Supreme Court of America, is one of the most powerful court in the world.  Judicial Review is the sole reason which makes it so powerful.  It is filled with appointed humans to stand as the most powerful judges in the country.  The history of the Supreme Court has one of the most controversial and complicated upbringings I could think of.

From Marbury V. Madison, to Dred Scott, and many other factors up until the Civil War have altered the Constitution to be what we have today.  So many actions performed by the Supreme Court have created these changes, and it has become one of the most influential and powerful documents in the world.

The roles of the Supreme Court judges involve countless hours of non-stop work.  Each case that reaches the Supreme Court is carefully analyzed and approved or denied whether or not the Supreme Judges will take the case or not.  They read over 100 cases a week, and almost 7000 annually; in which the cases mostly have to deal with lower courts acting in unconstitutional ways.

The most striking moment through the whole Supreme Court process is when all 9 justices sit in the conference room and participate is conversation over resolving ordeals in the matter the cases they accept.  This just proves how remarkably open our court system is.  There are no secrets with our Supreme Court, and there are no inside stories that we do not know about.

The important of our court is to hold the stability of our country.  If it ever stopped ruling, or people stopped listening, the court would cease to exist.  The Supreme Court is looked too, to stand against rough political times, and to lead beyond today's laws.  We only hope that the court is rightfully doing their job to be able for the American people to keep giving the justices reason to keep fighting for what is properly right.

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