Thursday, March 7, 2019

Never "Leaving Neverland"

The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, has led a life of great charity, companionship, and good deeds.  Millions of dollars donated to different philanthropic organizations have made Michael Jackson an amazing soul, that millions of people have learned to love on and off of the stage.  He was the sheer example of, no matter what turmoil or hatred was going on, to always keep trying to heal the world.  The epitome of what to teach our children and generations and generations of good doings.

Jackson's life wasn't always filled with the best things, though.  Through multiple allegations of misconduct with minors and endangerment to minors, the public always stood by his side.  These allegations were presumed to be money-driven families, that used Jackson to get what they wanted.

The beans have officially been spilled.  The secrets are out, and even after his death, people will have to decide whether or not Jackson was good after all.  In recent days, a documentary has came out on HBO in regard to those allegations brought against Micheal Jackson throughout his career and life.  Through interviews of the Robson family, and the Safechuck family we learn who the real Michael Jackson was.

There was a side to the truthfulness of Jackson's amazing personality and astonishing philanthropic ideals expressed by both families; but the astonishing part to it all, was the fact that Michael Jackson was involved in many sexual relations and acts with two young boys, Wade Robson and James Safechuck.

The documentary is surrounded by how these two boys grew up in the starlight and fame of Michael Jackson's life.  The boys have nothing but good things to say about him, so we ask ourselves; what really was so wrong?  After the conclusion of this two-part documentary, you will be able to step into the lives of two young boys who were manipulated and controlled by anything Michael did.

Feelings of disgust and remorse protruded my head as I found it so mind-baffling to the occurrences that Jackson and these boys lived through.

Michael Jackson: a man with the spitting image of love and stardom, a man to give so much to children in need, has done many things to many children.  His Neverland Estate was welcome to countless children, but the intentions behind what the public saw, those children were never Leaving Neverland.

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