Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Privacy is Intimate

"He, (Trevor Forrest-Ministry of Science, Energy, and Technology), pointed out that many people, in using cyberspace, do not think about security, only about the convenience."  A quote by Tomecia Gunn in an article she wrote in the Jamaica Information News, explains how everyone is at risk for cyber crime.  Listening to Ms. Chisolm's story brought anger to my heart.  The selfishness and greed that an individual can obtain and the ability to send that backlash in creating turmoil within someone's life is just wrong.  This one story needs to be heard.  This story needs to be broadcasted around the world, and in and out of the United States of America.  

We are so dense to the idea that we can be attacked through our vulnerable and ill-protected lives in the international waves of the internet.  Things need to start changing, in order for us to truly "MAGA."  

The privacy that is spoken about within all of the TedTalks need to start raising questions.  This sent the sole job of the government, and we need to step up to the plate when it comes to protecting ourselves.  

Reading articles about the cretinous actions we don't take every year as a country is disconcerted   In an article written from the Insurance Information Institute, we can read that amongst only five large corporations, in the span of less than four months amount to almost 700millions records exposed to the public, that included sensitive information.  Equifax alone, in 2017, had one of the worst ever information breaches in the history of cyber crime that exposed almost 145 million people's sensitive information, such as their social security numbers.

As a country, we need to button up, and fix these issues.  We need to call out the people in charge when things like this happen, because only God knows if their apart of it.  We are citizens of one of the most free country's in the entire world.  Let's start acting like it.

Should we be scared of Media?

After previewing the presentation that Group 2 brought to class, it really made me concerned about the raw atmosphere that surrounds our interactions we share through the internet. The topics discussed were Mainstream Media, Alternative Media, Echo Chamber, Whistleblower, Reliable Sources, and Citizen Journalism.

Mainstream Media is the mass news that influence us on a daily, even hourly basis. We depend on this type of media to express the major occurrences and demands that are happening in the world. The issue is, our media is so opinionated that, especially in our country, we are more divided then ever.

"Media organizations with an elite audience such as CBS News and The New York Times are successful corporations with the assets necessary to set the tone for other smaller news organizations which lack comparable resources by creating conversations that cascade down to smaller news organizations using the Associated Press and other means of aggregation. An elite mainstream sets the agenda and smaller organizations parrot it." 

                                           Image result for Mainstream media

This quote is stated by philosopher Noam Chomsky to describe the hierarchy and the process on how we acquire the information being expressed by these types of MSM.

This shouldn't scare us, but rather, take this information as a point taken.  We need to learn to distinguish between what is going on, and not succumbing to aspects of confirmation bias.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Five Eyes See You-You Don't See Them

My term, Five Eyes, is a group of five countries on Earth that joined forces to share secret intelligence to expose negative connotations or future actions that are being planned.  This group mainly focuses on the War on Terror.  This is seen to be good, because its extra fresh eyes that are looking into other countries to see if people are doing bad in order to expose them.  A negative implication involved is the fact that this agreement gives countries amnesty in surveilling their citizens as it isn't the country's government spying, but rather another country looking in.  
The Five Eyes group in general can do a lot of good.  They will be able to expose wrongdoings and, in theory, save lives from harm from terror.  We just always need to understand that we might always bender the eyes of people that we don't know.  
In general, Five Eyes would mainly work for all citizens in all countries; regardless of any demographic characteristic.  
Five Eyes has been in play for over 50 years.  It can affect myself, my family and friends, and my generation to know the full length of what is going on behind the scenes.  It is extremely helpful to know the truth, but it is also dangerous to know a lot of the truth, as confidentiality issues arise when talking about events in other countries.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Social Media is Me

Coincidently, I actually performed a self-audit this week for another class to show how an employer would view your online presence.  I found that I was very satisfied with what I have exposed online.  I try to tailor my social media presence to be completely positive in my favor.  If I share something, if I post something, tweet, like, etc. I always think about an employer looking at that specific thing.  Our online presence is completely open to the world, therefore we need to watch what we put. 

I currently use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  My Facebook and Instagram are very family-oriented.  I like to share with my family and friends memories that we have had throughout the years.  I also like to share and post current events that I feel are of dire need to see for my friends and family.  These current events include political or international issues.  I make sure my social media accounts have full transparency of who I am.  How you meet me in person, is exactly how you would feel with seeing my accounts.  If an employer sees something they might not like, or makes a decision to terminate my application for a job, I don't think I would want to work for a company that feels that way toward my open transparency.  I feel I have nothing to hide and if they feel otherwise, there are other companies out there that would be more beneficial to my career.  

I share liberal topics, conservative topics, and everything in between.  If a visitor was searching for me on social media, they might be confused as to my direct intentions, but I would never be against someone asking me anything about my accounts.  I try my best to be parallel with who I am in person, and if someone finds issues with what I post or share, than the problem lies in their capability to be flexible with ideas.  

Within my online presence I have provided emails, phone numbers and other specific details about myself.  If someone creates a bank account in my name, they will hopefully catch them and repercussions will be implemented.  If not, I might have to counsel that burden.  It all stems down to how the government regulates our availibility to sensitive information.  I am open to the government seeing my sensitive information, because what do I have to hide?  I appreciate the idea that information can be looked at and reviewed, because if you have nothing to hide, what is the issue?  This process could help our federal authorities catch unwanted persons in our country using computer intelligence for deceitfulness and wrongdoing.  I would show all of my information in order to install the idea that you cant hide bad things you might be able to do.  

I like using my social media pages, not for the dire need for attention of people liking what I post, but rather more self-actualized in the sense that I can constantly go through all of my pages and see my memories, or certain though process I have had throughout the years.  it is, by no means, a page made for other people.  I look at my Instagram page, and see my friendships that I have had amazing memories certainly dissipate throughout the years.  Friendships ending can be extremely sad and lonely, but knowing that you can't succumb to those burdens, helps you to look through your posts and helps you remember great times.  Social media, in my opinion has become a huge player in the ideas of depression and loneliness and I agree with what is stated in the Atlantic article.  I feel we need to start teaching the proper way to use these sites. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Amazon or Hypnosis

Amazon is a company in modern day that specializes in E-commerce.  This company started by Jeff Bezos has grown to astronomical levels and is now in many parts of world and especially is in many different types of industries.  It started as an online retailer, and is now is fields such as cloud-computing business, video and music streamer, and is now in the field of smart speaker technology.  The company has had a growth in both revenue and net income, but the revenue surpasses net income by the hundreds of millions.  This alternative and modern company has changed the way we, as a species, do and adapt to things.

Everyone loves Amazon.  The company has incorporated itself through a wide range of generations that exist today.  From adolescence to senior adults, Amazon offers a wide variety of things to accommodate anyone when it comes to enjoyment in leisure time or gift-giving.  The reason it has caught on so much is because of how well it accommodates to many peoples needs.  Many people became early adopters due to the easy accessibility it is for anyone of any age to understand.  The versatility of Amazon's benefits have created a new way of living.

Although the many benefits of Amazon can be considered endless, some negative aspects of adopting into a full Amazon world are still present.  Amazon definitely is a major factor in how people live their lives.  Instead of going to a shopping mall, you can get practically anything you can think of on their website.  This prevents people from enjoying leisure time in public with other humans.  This is why I feel many Laggards feel that adapting to this way can cause laziness or even an anti-social livelihood.  The extremely easy aspects of using Amazon have caused many people to not even go out and enjoy a day of shopping, or even going to the movies and enjoying time with friends, where you can now watch a wide variety of streaming services on Amazon Video.  Some of these aspects are considered negative due to the fact that we depend on Amazon to complete some of our tasks rather than doing it ourselves.

The world that Amazon has created is extremely beneficial to completing tasks more easily.  We need to understand that even though Amazon might eliminate shopping, we can still go out and enjoy a day with friends, or exercise.  Let Amazon handle certain aspects, but not forget that these aspects can lead us down a road where who knows if we can ever turn back.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Amongst the Eight Values of Free Expression, the Discovery of Truth, or marketplace of ideas, in my opinion, is possibly the most important value to understand due to the fact that everything else stems from this ideal.  Through John Milton's writing of Areopagitica, we learn that the idea of marketplace of ideas' main purpose is to bring about the truth, and especially make sure transparency of our governing body is extremely prominent.

The fact that our criticism can meddle with pre-exisitng components to the truth, ultimately creates a high castle for the one and only truth.  Our words can not be manipulated by any party, which fundamentally will create a basis of understanding and knowledge that the truth will always come out.

This free market principle is what extends to the world a designation of free will in countries, as well as shows the world which countries will hide the truth, no matter how cruel consequences could be.

Years after Milton's publishing, a man named John Stuart Mill published a writing On Liberty.  This conceptualized publication brought more insight into understanding the true purpose of a "marketplace of ideas". Attached is a link to a scholarly article published from Middle Tennessee State University.

Link: MTSU-Makretplace of Ideas

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Alex Trebek

On a normal airing of Jeopardy, Alex Tribek made a major announcement that he has been diagnosed with Stage 4, pancreatic cancer.  Although the odds of surviving this type of cancer are slim to none, Tribek made it know that he has every intention of fighting this aggressive disease.

Tribek has been the host of Jeopardy for 35 years.  His amazing personality has given love and affection to so many people world-wide.  Tribek made a comical note to the sad news saying he has to survive this due to his contract of being the host still has two more years left!

Unfortunately, doctors have stated that the likelihood of someone surviving such an aggressive disease usually live to at most a year.  This is very sad news and Tribek will be remembered for his great personality if death does occur.  Jeopardy will always be Alex Tribek's legacy that he will leave with us for many years ahead.

Concrete Jungle V. The Farm

Growing up in a big city has had tremendous impacts on who I am today.  New York City is one of the most unique, and best places to grow up due to exposure of so much diversity.  We learn from a young age that everyone is the same; regardless of any demographical features.  When NYC is referred to as the city that never sleeps, it genuinely never sleeps.

Whether its going to bars/clubs, going to parks, attending a show, or anything else that happens in the city; there is always something to do.  Restaurants stay open all night.  Everyone is always in a rush that it causes your adrenaline to sky-rocket.

Seeing so much diversity, and commuting to school everyday is unlike any experience I have ever endured.  The things you see on the subway, will blow your mind.  Whether its a talented violin player, or a dance group doing flips on the train, you are exposed to so much talent, that it never ends.


Attending High Point University, has given me such a huge culture shock.  Everything is slow and relaxed.  Its at a different pace and everyone smiles at each other, (you can't do that in NYC).  I've learned that its okay to take a break when needed.  I've also learned that I will always have my New York roots no matter where I go.  My accent says it all.

The thing that I don't really appreciate in the South is the fact that everything is similar.  I mainly say this in the sense that everything is very conservative.  Theres no understanding that things can be different or weird.  The lack of diversity breaks my heart sometimes.

New York City will be my home forever.  Whether I'm in Central Park, or I'm 2,000 miles away.  I know that anytime I go back, it never looses its chance to surprise me.  There is always something new around every corner, and that's why I am so very proud to call NYC my home.

My Favorite App

In modern day, we tend to use our phones a lot.  Our phones are what connects us to the world.  Anything that happens within the world, you can find it on the internet.  I love twitter, due to the fact that it is constantly being used to broadcast amazing or urgent things that happen internationally.

Almost everyone has twitter.  Whether it is a celebrity, the POTUS, or just simple Jack, information and current events are constantly trending on Twitter.  Another aspect I love about Twitter, its the fact that everyone who does have a twitter, tends to tweet images and words that are commonly related to your own personal life.

Twitter has chained together people on opposite sides of the world, just because common occurrences are relatable.  It is a great source of information where you can get notifications send to your phone, is anything major happens.  The connections between the famous, the unknowns, and the average person can all go on twitter and find what they most like to see.

You can see the world, just on one app.  The connections to the rest of the word are astronomical, and it makes us all try to relate to each other; whether it is emotional, artistic, and anything else you can think of.

Never "Leaving Neverland"

The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, has led a life of great charity, companionship, and good deeds.  Millions of dollars donated to different philanthropic organizations have made Michael Jackson an amazing soul, that millions of people have learned to love on and off of the stage.  He was the sheer example of, no matter what turmoil or hatred was going on, to always keep trying to heal the world.  The epitome of what to teach our children and generations and generations of good doings.

Jackson's life wasn't always filled with the best things, though.  Through multiple allegations of misconduct with minors and endangerment to minors, the public always stood by his side.  These allegations were presumed to be money-driven families, that used Jackson to get what they wanted.

The beans have officially been spilled.  The secrets are out, and even after his death, people will have to decide whether or not Jackson was good after all.  In recent days, a documentary has came out on HBO in regard to those allegations brought against Micheal Jackson throughout his career and life.  Through interviews of the Robson family, and the Safechuck family we learn who the real Michael Jackson was.

There was a side to the truthfulness of Jackson's amazing personality and astonishing philanthropic ideals expressed by both families; but the astonishing part to it all, was the fact that Michael Jackson was involved in many sexual relations and acts with two young boys, Wade Robson and James Safechuck.

The documentary is surrounded by how these two boys grew up in the starlight and fame of Michael Jackson's life.  The boys have nothing but good things to say about him, so we ask ourselves; what really was so wrong?  After the conclusion of this two-part documentary, you will be able to step into the lives of two young boys who were manipulated and controlled by anything Michael did.

Feelings of disgust and remorse protruded my head as I found it so mind-baffling to the occurrences that Jackson and these boys lived through.

Michael Jackson: a man with the spitting image of love and stardom, a man to give so much to children in need, has done many things to many children.  His Neverland Estate was welcome to countless children, but the intentions behind what the public saw, those children were never Leaving Neverland.

Supreme Court

It makes me proud to know that the Supreme Court of America, is one of the most powerful court in the world.  Judicial Review is the sole reason which makes it so powerful.  It is filled with appointed humans to stand as the most powerful judges in the country.  The history of the Supreme Court has one of the most controversial and complicated upbringings I could think of.

From Marbury V. Madison, to Dred Scott, and many other factors up until the Civil War have altered the Constitution to be what we have today.  So many actions performed by the Supreme Court have created these changes, and it has become one of the most influential and powerful documents in the world.

The roles of the Supreme Court judges involve countless hours of non-stop work.  Each case that reaches the Supreme Court is carefully analyzed and approved or denied whether or not the Supreme Judges will take the case or not.  They read over 100 cases a week, and almost 7000 annually; in which the cases mostly have to deal with lower courts acting in unconstitutional ways.

The most striking moment through the whole Supreme Court process is when all 9 justices sit in the conference room and participate is conversation over resolving ordeals in the matter the cases they accept.  This just proves how remarkably open our court system is.  There are no secrets with our Supreme Court, and there are no inside stories that we do not know about.

The important of our court is to hold the stability of our country.  If it ever stopped ruling, or people stopped listening, the court would cease to exist.  The Supreme Court is looked too, to stand against rough political times, and to lead beyond today's laws.  We only hope that the court is rightfully doing their job to be able for the American people to keep giving the justices reason to keep fighting for what is properly right.

Privacy is Intimate

"He, (Trevor Forrest-Ministry of Science, Energy, and Technology), pointed out that many people, in using cyberspace, do not think abou...